Saturday, September 16, 2006

Real Convocation...

me wif mum 'n dad...

Monday, September 11, 2006

counting my convo day...

feel a bit happy boss, Cik Wan has visited or in other words, spot check me during my outgoing inspection... i really enjoyed and appreaciated her as my boss. she has taught me lots of stuff about the duties, life and many more... its making me more hard in deciding to resign from the work...
why i put da pic above?? i really dream of having a mp4 for myself..wish somebody would kindly give it as my birthday present or my convo gift..hahaha!!


hahhaha...after uploading 'da pic, i found dat how stupid was i to wear the hood wrongly...!!!
juz a short entry...
i gladly put some pic of my lil' bro.. how naughty they are!! tomorrow is working day...emm..i'll be start working as usual tomorrow after only a day break! i feel badly exhausted..working days seems to be a hectic days for me...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

WoRk LoAd...

emmm...a long hibernation i have to admit. it's hard to believe that i have already working for 2 month. it's really an interesting valuable experience to go through. i dunno whether i wanna continue my study this november or keep working...i'm in a dilemma!!huhuhu..i think i might just further my study 'coz dat is my dream..i really wanna struggle hard to gain the Phd..not perangai hasad dengki kay!!hehehe...working is actually a new world for me. i learned to be more patient, systematic, sweet talker (hahaha..), independent and lots more. i figured out the way to adapt in this new environment. actually i learned how to be a hipocrete (is the spelling right?)...not to be myself!! i have to act different ways with different people. good, nice attitude infront the boss but nasty (not the so-nasty) with the colleuges.. i enjoyed working there but i cannot stand the working hour day...i have to go home late and work until saturday.... (i hate thatttttt!!!) my damn life is easily poured into a life called working. no more t.v's, play station, hanging out wif friends, shopping, novel... all is just work now!! now, i really noe the meaning of working...

above is da picture of k nim (my roomate in UPM) during her convocation...also k ja, lela and k nims family...congratulation to k nim. mine will be on this september. couldnt wait for da big day...huhuhu...


"FReiNds 'n FLowERs 'r MUcH 'dA sAMe, wHEn THey'rE TOGAther, soMeTHinG bEAutIful wILL hAPPen..." by ASMA' ALI