Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Getting Back to Work

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Last night, I had managed to read about 3 articles. It’s superb even though it’s only three articles. At least I read. I thought I want to continue reading this morning but I had some events today. My old friend, Diyana (coursemate plus KBM’s member in UPM) had drop by to my house. She had to attend for PTD examination in SK JLN 3, which happens to be very near to my house. I had offered her lunch. Surprisingly, Wani too came along (my course mate plus my KBM’s member too) to my house for lunch. We had a small chat about our life. I also had gone for the ‘religion lecture’ (oh God, what’s the term used to call ceramah?). The lecture was nicely delivered by Ustaz Mahathir. It was all abut Maal Hijrah. One of his concerns is that, people nowadays are more particular about Amar Ma’ruf but less emphasize on the Nahi Munkar. We must have this two to be balance. The concept must be equally applied, not just by choosing one of it. Furthermore, he said that even though our Prophet, Nabi Muhammad SAW couldn’t read what is written down but he can read what is not written. As you can see, before Nabi Muhammad came to be the Nabi, he had isolated himself from the Quraisysh villagers. Every morning, he went alone to the Jablun Hira’. He purposely did that because he was confused and thinking about the people around him. Why there’s a lot of corruption, and many bad things happened? There must be something wrong but he didn’t know what it was. Yup, it really made me think a lot. So, it can be used to compare in our world today. Why all this bad things become to conquer the world silently? Is it because the nation leaders? The lacking of Islam value in the new generation? I don’t know. I’ve got to go now. My mom is beside me and I have to stop.

I wanna be me,



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"FReiNds 'n FLowERs 'r MUcH 'dA sAMe, wHEn THey'rE TOGAther, soMeTHinG bEAutIful wILL hAPPen..." by ASMA' ALI